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President: Marc Rippee

Marc is a third year accounting student with a deep interest in finance, investing, and markets. He focuses in fundamental analysis of equities and studying the international bond and currency markets. Last year, he served as VP of CPI. Along with Sean Reilly and others, he co-founded Poly Canyon Ventures, a non-profit investing in Cal Poly startups. Marc will be graduating in June, 2019.

linkedin: click here

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Vice President: Sean Reilly

Sean is a fifth-year aerospace engineering and applied math student. He plans to study quantitative finance in graduate school, and is excited to put his analytical abilities to work in when he starts a full-time job this summer as an investment banking analyst at Harvest Management Partners. Sean is also a co-Founder of Poly Canyon Ventures, a non-profit VC that invests in Cal Poly startups.

linkedin: click here


Director of Operations: Chris Clark

Chris is a third year economics student concentrating in finance with a minor in statistics.He is on the board of several other clubs at Cal Poly, including Cal Poly Financial Management Association (FMA) and Cal Poly Consulting Club (CPCC). Professionally, he is interested in M&A, valuation, and consulting work, and will be interning in the PwC deals group this summer doing valuation work.

linkedin: click here