

President: Eric Kambestad

Eric is a fourth year business administration major with a concentration in finance and accounting who has been an active part of the investing club for 3+ years.

linkedin: click here


Vice President: Marc Rippee

Marc is a third year finance and accounting student with an active interest in investing, banking and venture capital.

linkedin: click here


Director of technical analysis: Adam pasco

Adam Pasco is a fourth-year business major, concentrating in finance.  This past summer he interned for Morgan Stanley, working as part of a wealth management team in Silicon Valley. He enjoys watching the Lakers, playing piano, and spending time on the basketball court.

linkedin: click here



Director of Marketing: Sean Reilly

Sean is a third-year aerospace engineering and applied math student who has co-founded
a non-profit dedicated to educating students about starting and funding businesses. He's
planning to study quantitative finance in graduate school, and utilize his analytical
abilities in the venture capital industry.

linkedin: click here


Director of Operations: manik Khurana

Manik Khurana is a third year business student concentrating in finance and accounting. Professionally, he is interested in algorithmic trading and banking. Non-professionally, he likes to cook, box, and play video games.

linkedin: click here